Posts tagged divorce
Showing UP for Sophia: Good Thing

I knew next to nothing about the fathers of my children. All three of them. Third times the charm? In the sense that I‘m certain I’ll never have another baby with a man I barely know? Absolutely. Not only because I’m 44, but because I’m over the concept that I need to be with the father to be there for our child. We are. We will be. I’m trusting that John and I will show up for Sophia in the ways she needs, since we weren’t showing up for each other, which was unfair to us all.

I’ve been here before. I know what usually happens... I get the kid and he and I hate each other, forever. As if that tactic worked with my first two children who have since confessed that I regularly crossed their boundaries by sharing too much, and rarely got consent from their fathers for making choices that concerned our children. Not this time.

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Showing UP for Sophia: Separate Ways

A friend checked in with me asking if John and I had talked. We had. We came to a compromise. She asked if I was happy with the plan.

I’m not happy, but… I know it needs to happen. I know we need to be the trusted adults Sophia needs. We need to show up for her. It’s not about us, beyond how our co-parenting will impact her life.

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